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Here's some of my poetry. I'd love to hear it if you have any.

"Circumstances are just raw material out of which God makes character and strength and virtue."
"I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent."

Love’s Dance:

Amongst the qualms of our souls

You take my hand

And pull me atop

Out of the darkness

In an attempt to quiet the thoughts

That plague our minds

We abandon all

And dance

In a sweetness only known

By few

There are only three

Who dwell here

Three unified heartbeats

Woven together as one

Two lovers and their creator

We dance

In perfect harmony

By: Alyssa Gould


The longing to be near you
deepens with every nightfall.
I can still smell you on my skin.
Your soft fingertips
Marking my every part.
And I long to feel you again.
I long to breathe you in.
To drink up every word,
every emotion,
every touch.
And sit inside
a place so warm and sweet.
A place called home...

By: Alyssa Gould


In your face
And you bite back the tears
as you look it in the eyes,
as it takes you to it's home
and feeds you truth.
The reality of it all
Pouring into your hollow soul.
And you are filled
With an anger,
a fear,
a passion
that drives you to create.
And that is your release.

By: Alyssa Gould


Sunlight pierces

Bright like the leaves

Upon frosted ground.


Wind whispers

As leaves answer

In sweet unison.


Another day gone

Wasted time

A cyclic disposition.


Sweet eyes

Behind a furry face

Smile affection.



In all I am

You cherish.


Behind closed eyes

Images leave

Foundations of creativity.


By: Alyssa Gould


It's raining today.
And I feel like the clouds in the sky.
Dark and lazy.
Tired and cold.
Worn like the trees,
with leaves falling on the damp ground.
I love the crispness in the air.
It catches me as I walk out the door.
And for a moment I am drawn,
captured by the coolness that carresses my face.
And I experience

By: Alyssa Gould


Here in this moment

I am captivated

By a love

Words were never able

To express

I only fail as I try

To put on paper

The sweetness that comes

From worshiping you

A touch to my very core

You are my centre

My inspiration among many

The first

The last

The ever constant

By: Alyssa Gould


Desperately I search

For something to inspire

If only my pen could

Touch my heart

I look for anything to set in motion

The creativity inside

That longs to pour out

And I find it

In a persons eyes as they light up

A smile that warms my heart

A secreted tear that falls

As, for a moment,

Hidden pain shows it’s rawness

And I long to comfort

To give words that might mend

The wounds that continue to

Mar the beauty that is you.

By: Alyssa Gould


Somewhere behind the masquerade

Lies a realness I long to know

You look at me with blank eyes

As I scream in your face

“Who are you?!?”

Only a numbness answers back

Mocking my very effort at trying to see inside

Even for a fleeting moment.

Only a glimpse would satisfy.

I say that with such certainty

But I know a moment would only lead

To wanting more.

I desire to know the raw you

The bear it all you

Where nothing is hidden or numbed

By some mechanic feeling maker

That seems to live inside of you

By: Alyssa Gould


I sit alone
in this dwelling
I've created.
All that surrounds
is empty and cold.
Whispering voices
of a part of myself
that once lived.
They taunt me,
pointing their long fingers,
throwing accusations
with dark eyes.
And I cower in the corner
Of my darkened self...

By: Alyssa Gould

Here you come
Seeping through the net I've put around myself
Healing the wounds I've been licking for so long
Like a sweet balm for my torn soul
I sit in complete surrender
As I let you enter in
Remembering the closness we once shared
Tears are my only words
As you go about loving me
In my sickened state
Where have I gone?
Where have I wondered in the night?
And yet here you still find me
Save me from the teeth that pierce my flesh
The nails beneath my skin
Save me from my mind
From the vivid nightmares
Which stab fear deep inside
As I let you in
All is gone
I am calmed by your voice
And there is no place I'd rather be
Than in your save embrace

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Where have my words gone?
I seem to have lost my tongue
Or is it my mind?
I cannot tell
With all this noise inside.
A moment of silence would be nice
But the worry won't leave me alone
My mind is so slippery these days
I can't find any solid ground
The things I can grasp
Are pathetic excuses for reason
The lights shining in my darkness
And my desperate attempts at grasping them
Only leave me feeling more and more helpless
For I cannot do it alone
My strength is long gone
Wasted on the empty things
That this words feeds
Our hungry minds and hearts

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Silently I scream
From the place inside
That feels deeper than words
I cry with all I have in me
In all I have done,
Nothing has hurt so much
My hands grasp helplessly
For the pieces of your heart
Scattered on the floor
The panic and frustration
Leave me feeling helpless
And all I can do is cry
And watch
And make myself sick with worry,
With fear
Everything seems so empty,
So cold
My screaming is silent
As my raw throat begins to bleed
With the desperate effort to make you
See, hear, anything
Over and over again
And I cry
For my own sad release

By: Alyssa Rensberry

How easy it is
To loose yourself
In th sick grasp
Of this world
And all that's left to do
Is lay and bleed yourself dry
From the blows
You let take place inside
By the people
You call friends and trust
How easy it is to loose sight
And fall into the traps
Set to catch the sucker
That's so easily drawn
How sad it is when a humble person
Becomes a selfish being
A heart looses a beat
From the ache that moves it
Sometimes a pit seems so deep
That clawing your way out seems unthinkable
It almost seems easier to stay there
bathing in the filth that put you there
The ray of light shining through
Seems so far away
Beyond grasp
And you look away once again
Feeling too weak to even try
But still glance it's way

By: Alyssa Rensberry

It seemed as though
I was all alone
In this sorry excuse
For a world.
Only living half
Of myself
Untill you came along
And showed me
What it was like to "Feel"
To feel sweetness
You opened my eyes
To a deeper part of myself
A "Me" never known before.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Another beating
For the one inside
Cower in the corner
Of this empty space
As you take it all in

Just when you thought
It was ok to "feel" again...

It won't make a difference
She won't hear
She's too busy obeying her flesh

Sad isn't it?
You try so hard to soar
Only to fall into rocks that cut deep
As another empty appology
Is uttered from numb lips
An all too famliar place
Accompanied by almost memorised words

And you go through the process
Of trying to trust again
Hoping not to be beat down
or cut into pieces
By another part of yourself

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I've misplaced my sanity
Wandering in a world full of things desired
My mind has broken my heart
My heart my soul
Finding dreams to feed the pain
Some sort of sick easiness
As, for a moment, I loose myself
Tangled in hopes
Hanging from frail strings
Attached to the ceiling of my mind
My mind or my heart?
It is not for me to say
For I have lost that right in myself
My heart fears my mind
My soul my heart
I fear myself for what I may feel
Oh, to feel...
To have one sweet moment of release
From this inner cell
Oh, that I might find the door to myself
So I may dive in and embrace who I am
As tears fill the eyes that have been shut
For too long...

By: Alyssa Rensberry

DISEASE (unfinished):
Inside of me
A disease dwells
Infecting the deepest
Parts of myself.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

(Verse 1)
I'm standing
In this rain again
Tired and worn
Weary and torn
By the words
I keeo hearing
Old promises fading away
And I need some release
From Every hurt
Inside my heart
And I'm cryin please
Will you let me see
What's keeping me
(Verse 2)
I'm cryin
From my foolishness
One day I believe
The next day I see
That your words speak
Only moments
Not what your heart
Really feels
Reality speaks louder
Than your words
But sometime I find
Myself believing
It could be...
If only...

By: Alyssa Rensberry

On my face I lay
Swept away
By the sweetness
Of Your love
My spirit is broken
And I pray
It stays that way
So that I may
Be broken before You
It is here where
I feel You most
Here where
You mend my soul

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I sicken
With the thought
Of what's within.
A brutal mind,
Twisted and torn in two.
Tuned to watch,
And act on what kills.

On what kills
The insides of a soul.
Rips it apart.
Raw pieces of flesh,
Thrown from within,
Rot inside.

A heart beats slower,
Being deprived of feeling.
Of a love,
A deepness,
That goes beyond deep.
It twists and turns in agony.
In unison with it's soul.

A mind so jumbled,
Perverted my this world,
By it's owner.
Who sits staring.
Too numb to feel,
Too blind to see,
Too deaf to hear it's soul

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I am filled with a joy unspeakable
as I vomit up my filth
Oh sweet release
That has come upon my soul
Take what is left
Of this heap of crying repentance
Take, take, it is my hope
That You would take me away
What is left, I pray is enough
If not, take and mend the wounds
That continue to penetrate into my heart
Take and make whole
What is left of my sorry soul
Bind my heart to Yours
Take my soul into Your grasp
I betroth myself to You
What I have to offer
I pray is enough
It is all that I have

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Go hide away
The place inside
You call your home

Let others feel
As you grip the emptiness
That resounds in yourself
When really your soul
Is screaming

Distance you from you
Push the walls farther inside
Open up the gaping hole
Be only who you let you be
Listen to the things others say
Rather than what you know is right.

Is that what you want me to say?
How sad...
How I long to reach inside
Move the furniture around a little
Bring a smile to your face
Help you cry
Wipe your tears away

Cup your face in my hands
Assure you of things needed
To be assured

How I long to
Stand beside you
Hold your hand and
Walk you through
The process
Of feeling again
The numbness fading
Feelings new and tender

I am
A sister
Who waits
For her brother
To know what it's like
To feel again

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I gasp for air
As the waters of
Life's mind engulf me
Reaching for the hand
That gives me life
Yet still holding
To things seen
The whirlpool continues
To spin and suck
I fight with all I've got
With all of my soul
Until I am weak
And worn
Ripped and torn
Broken beyond
Believable repair
Done reaching for
Materialistic things
My Father's hand reaches
Down through the mud
Dunks me in crystal water
Until I am clean
And He says,
"Now, my sweet child,
Now I can help you.
All you had to do was
Let go."
And we embrace
He and I
With tears of
Love and joy
And I find
I am on
Solid ground.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Where do you go
When the world's got you by the neck
Piercing through
To the outer shell
Of your heart

Take the drugs
To numb the pain
Look to lust
To be whole again
You'll find
Your even worse off
Than before

Like a cancer
Swimming through your blood
A bug
In the system of "You"

Cry until you realize
That you've only been living
a quarter of life
And you've been doing it all wrong

Lost you look for something more
Crawling on the floor
Like a blind man in the night
Blinded by the addiction

It'll be all right
When you realize
Just how low you've really been
And you look to the One
Who died for you
To be whole again

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I know what it's like on the outside
Hurting from the wounds
Beatin down and left to lie
Always trying to hide
Bruised by memories placed to burn
Healing is not an option
Only drungs to numb the numbness
Lust to feel emptier for a moment
Emptiness is your "out"
You have no idea
Just how "out" your putting yourself
Untill that moment comes
When you face yourself
The ugliness staring you in the face
And you have a choice
Embrace the dark, disfigured hole in your heart
To be filled with blackness
Or take that step into a world
That you hope will end your hunger

By: Alyssa Rensberry

WINTER BRAINSTORM(Not a poem yet):
Silence, fullness, surrounding, whole, God's uniqueness, Jesus' artwork, light, slient peace, sparkling uniqueness, quiet inside, stillness, silent falling grace, the world stops for a moment to take it all in, snowflakes caress, soft snowflake hands cup my face, coziness, pure, clean, smell, crisp feel.....

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Striving to do
To be
To go
To want

Holding emptiness
Left by a
A facade is what was
Looking deeper
Truth is found

By: Alyssa Rensberry

You are my protector
I am clutched tight
Surrounded by You
Your strength astounds me
I stand in awe
At the feel of Your arms
The firmness of your hands
The safeness found
In Your embrace
The assurance
Found in Your heartbeat
You keep me from my enemies
Your voice is stronger than
Anything attempted to hinder
All flees
And we are left
Wholeness is found in
Your love, strength, and security
I am held firm
Taken away from life
For a sweet moment
And held
And strong

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I am a vessel
Emptied by the power of
My Father's hand
By the answer
To my desperate prayer
I am a pot
Poured out from the inside
I echo hope
Promise bouncing
Off the walls of my soul
Drops begin to come
and faithfully
And I shine
With a newness
That the Father's love brings

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Your colorful love
Surrounds my very being
I am filled with a sweetness
Deeper than any word used to describe
A joy overflowing
Trials seem so small
In Your big hand
My heart radiates
Almost bursting out of my chest
And touching every soul in this place
Your hand guides it
I am Your balm
As I sit and dwell in your presence

By: Alyssa Rensberry

A choosing
To sit
To listen
To dwell

Open my hearts eyes
So that I may feel
The deepness You have created.....

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Do you not know
I see you crying?
Every tear I collect
Every hurt I feel

Love hits your inner chamber
Yet bounces side to side
As you try to understand it
Do not strive to understand

How I long for you
To just "feel"
And forget to think
About why, how, how long?

Do not turn your face away
As doubt begins to interfere
"Trust" is all I ask right now

How I would love to spend
A moment with my sweet child
How I would love to heal
The wounds that continue
To throb
How I long to fill you
Full and overflowing
With my love

My sweet child
You cannot do this alone
A person cannot
Understand everything
There is a time when you must
"Let go and let God"
Despite what your mind is telling you

Even when the feelings do not feel
Or the understanding does not come
You must "Trust Me"
Because, sweet child,
You deserve to feel "Loved"
And "Wanted"
And "Needed"
And "Beautiful"
Because "you are"

Feel the moment
Do not think
I long just to
Be with "You"

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Yet One
Torn in the middle
Brought against each other
By the twisted feelings
Of this world
The materialistic obsessions
Loosing self control
A constant fight
When will I win
The battle within me?

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I am secure
In wide open hands
I am assured
By the sweetest voice
Set with determination
For the long road ahead
An empty road
Most would assume
But not me
I am accompanied
By the most perfect friend.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Fear grips like a knife
Yet God can heal a wound
So beautifully
So peacefully
As though it never even were there
He can carry you
In the palms of His hands
Lifting you out of this world
And into another
Where only you and He exist
Where time stands still
And worries do not have a place
He can keep you there
As long as you need
And it is truly intimate
And beautiful

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Your Love, Oh Lord
Reaches to the depths
Of my soul

Your hands
Cup my face
As I cry

I have no words
Only tears
To express my
Deepest feelings

I long to please You
In everything I do

The longing goes so deep
Down, down,
To my very being

Thank you Lord
My Friend
My Love

By: Alyssa Rensberry

As I walk
Through the waters
Of Your ever-flowing Love
I am embraced
My tears are washed
By the rain
My eyes are
Made clear
And I can finally see
Your beauty

By: Alyssa Rensberry

A smile fills my face
As the clouds part
And the sun shines through
Finally no more nights
Watching the dark rain
Pour down my cold window
No more hours spent trying to busy myself
Just so I don't have to think
To dwell on the things
That surround my mind
Now only peace has a place
Inside of me
That comes from
The hand of God

By: Alyssa Rensberry

I am embraced
By a whirlwind
Of hope

Traces of
A sweet sense
Of completeness

Fill my soul
And make me
My heart smile

Not close to
The completeness I have
With my King

But all together sweet
and lovely and
All those good things
That love embraces

By: Alyssa Rensberry

The way you make
Me Feel inside
Is indescribable

Sweeter than
The sweetest melody

Warmer than
A mothers loving touch

Stronger than
The rock on which I stand

More pure and loving
Than all of life's
Loving looks

You Embraced me
And I feel You
All day and night
Thank you Jesus

By: Alyssa Rensberry

In this vast
Wide open space
My eyes
Are set ahead
I have found
A new hope
for the times
To come
Things will happen
I know I am held
In wide open hands
Ready to live,
Whatever may come
I am ready,
And true
To follow

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Whispering sweet nothings
Across the miles
What I wouldn't give
Just to see your face
To touch the hands
Of the one
Who makes me
Feel this way
To spend
Even only a moment
Beside my love
Hand in hand
Fingers entwined
Like the petals
Of life's sweetest rose
Beautifully fitting
Into perfect place
And taking in
The fragrance
Of love

By: Alyssa Rensberry


When things get above my head.....
Not another day.....
I just say
Can't this please be
The last time.
The last time I cry
Or try any anything
I'm going to fail.
Or frail through this emptiness.
Lost in things unspoken.
Taken by times not felt.
Stolen by life gone wrong.
I search for another way
Another place to rest
My sore head.
To wet
My dried out eyes.
Only feelings left
Not to feel.


Lost inside this mystery
I look deep
Searching far beyond
These endless streets

My soul seems to
Hum to the tune
Of another's song

Wishing its way
Out of my mind

Out of my mind
I am searching
For another way
Another day to be

To see the light
Which is so dim
In my eyes

In Your eyes are
The light and the truth
I cannot fight it
The way you say

"I love you regardless
Of the way you stray
Bumping into boxes
And falling flat in the mud
Muddy waters are
What you are treading through
Searching for another way
Another day to be"

Reaching out
Your nail pierced hands
To lift me up
Once again

Out of this day
And into another
Another day to be
Another day to see
The light
Which is You.

By: Alyssa Rensberry


Come on me oh Lord.
Fill me with your presence.
Surround me with your peaceful light.

Cause lately I've been feeling,
I've been feeling,

Lead me to a place,
Where I can find you.
I need to hear your voice.
Let me know your here.

I'm reaching out to you Lord.
I need your hand.
Be my father,
Be my love,
Be my friend.
Find me oh Lord,
On my knees,
Pouring out my soul.
You are the air I breathe.
You are the ground I walk.
You, oh Lord, are the love I seek.

By: Alyssa Rensberry


It's gonna take a long time to get there.
I can't even think.
Not here.
Not there.
I still feel the freezing on the inside.
Still waiting for the pain to subside.
I can only ever hear half,
Of what's going on.
I can't think.
I can't speak.
I can't even be.

By: Alyssa Rensberry


Who do you think you are?
How can treating people the way you do,
Make you smile?
How can pain make you laugh?
And sorrow make you snicker?
How can someone's happiness,
Make you cringe?
And how can someone's great life,
Make you want to ruin it?
You cruel heartless person.
I'll tell you what.
My happiness,
Will no longer make you cringe.
No longer will my freakin sorrow,
Make you show your ghastly smile.
Because now you are gone from me,
Always and Forever.

By: Alyssa Rensberry


How Depressing.
How Pathetic.
This look I must have.
They must laugh
At my foolishness
At my blind eyes
And heart.
Flung open
For the world to see.

I must look like one of "Those Girls"
The one with the plastered on smile.
The stack of self-help books on her night stand.
She'll read them
Just to convince herself she's ok.

The one who would tell you her whole life story
In the first 5 minutes.
And probably could
Because there's not much to her.

I must look stupid.
With my overly happy face
My cheeriness.
And all I know is that I'm a fake.
After all,
Who could possibly be as happy as me?

By: Alyssa Rensberry


Empty words are what I get in return
For pieces of myself.
Pieces of myself I give freely to you
Hoping for some glisten of feeling.
I search for some deeper meaning
In your hollow words.
Yet I return empty handed.
"I love you's"
Seem more like
"I only say this not to hurt you's"
Where are you?
Where is the man I long to know?
There must be something deeper
Something stronger to grasp.
How long will I say "I love you"
To a wall?
Only to hear my own words echo back at me.
And alone.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Beautiful stranger,
Don't you see?
Those eyes tell your story.
Your words speak your heart.
Even when you don't mean them to,
Your actions reach out to me.

There is a deep longing.
I see it in your eyes,
Two pools of deep blue.
An emptiness.

You inspire me.
Maybe because I once knew,
Those empty eyes.
I once knew that longing.
A longing for something.
Not sure what to be longing for.

Maybe love?
A new life?
Something to complete you?
I know the answer.

Yes, I know.
Because I once was there.
And I sought and found.
And I know.
It's closer than you'd expect.
Right there,
In front of you.
Inside of you.
A part of you.
If only you'd see.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

As I sit
Looking at a blank page
I am filled
With words that cannot
Take form
So I feel
Deeper than the words
I try to write

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Another night,
Sitting here,
Thinking of life.
If only you people
Could look through my eyes.
If only you could see
Things the way I see them.
Then you would understand
How I feel,
Why I care,
Why I give you the time of day.
Maybe I'm drawn to people with problems.
Maybe I seem to let off
Some sort of something
That tells people,
"Hey! Over here!
I'd love to listen to
all of your problems,
Even though I never say anything half the time!"
I do love to listen though.
I think it makes others feel better,
Especially when I say nothing.
Because then
they don't have to hear any advice or crap,
They can just talk.
And when they do,
They always seem to figure it all out.
As if I've said something to help them.
When really, It was all themselves.
And they say,
"Thanks, your a real help!"
But I do really love to listen.
I really like to be the one they come to.
I like to feel needed.
Anyway, I'm babbling.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

You said,
"As you worship, even in your weakness,
I will hold you up."
So I go with all that I have in me
Full force into the place you have called me to.
I am prepaired and ready.
Make me a radical for You Lord.
Here I come, use me.
Consume me.
In the midst of everything.
In the midst of every hurt,
I come into Your waiting arms.
I will walk when I cannot see.
I will stand when I cannot feel.
I will come always.
I am Yours,
Your pot.
Mold me Father.
So that I may fit perfectly into Your plan.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Sometimes I'm tired
Tired of fighting with my mind
Weary from the tears that I cry
Inside for so long
Sick of trying to hide
Thirsty for deeper things

Sometimes I'm tired
Of the empty talk
The put up face of others
Why is it so hard to be real?

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Like pieces of a puzzle are we
Picked from far away to be sown together
By the perfect thread of God's hand
With arms outstreched we reach
To show the love God has intertwined within
United in Christ we stand
Ready to go full force
Into what God has called for our lives
Let the passion in our hearts consume us
Let us put ourselves aside so
You can work in us deeply
And use us to our full usefulness.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Captivate me
Strain me through Your hands
Shake me
Make me
Take me to a higher place
Above all that is
Consume me
Use me to my full capasity
Stretch me
Move me
Wake me
Prove me
Push me beyond myself
Sow me
Fit me
Grind me
Stitch me
Into Your will for my life.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Cry out, oh city
Weep as Israel wept
Fill your homes with tears
May God break your hearts
For the sin in your lives
May your eyes be opened
May your hear yourself
Wailing in the night
May desperation fill your souls
Also may you have satisfaction in nothing
Drink and be ever thirsty
Eat and be ever hungry
Untill you can bear it no more
Cry out for mercy to God
Plead for forgiveness

Oh Lord, have mercy on your people
Hear thier desperate cries in the night hours
Forgive those who prove true repentance
Mend homes and relationships
Make new our people
Bind our hearts to Yours
Build what remains of our ruined city

By:Alyssa Rensberry

What wonders does this hold?
This small, yet inspiring, circumstance.
I grasp the thought of new happenings
In this place in my life.
Here You place me, oh Lord,
Upon firm ground.
I am secured by Your hands.
Even when circumstances do not blossom
Into sweet memories,
I have joy in You.
I need nothing else.
Even if circumstance does bring opportunity
For greater things,
It is all the more better.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Keep me in this place.
Here I am held
Above a world that reaches
To cut me inside.
Hold me secure from a people
Who take pleasure from my weakness,
In seeing me fall.
Here You keep me
With a sweetness so pure and holy.
Captivate me and hold my gaze in Yours
So that I may be forever following.
Tune my heart to sing your praises always,
Even in my weakness.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.

By: Alyssa Rensberry

Other's Poetry

Beauteous dancer
In the jowls of
Foes unseen
Unworried as the
Cruel closing grasp
Of terrors fiend
Greedily extends
Friendships hand
He would steal
Your sweetness
If your death
Should be your end
But heaven has given
What he can never
Take away
Though now beyond
Our senses
You live free
Within that golden land
Where space and time
Sorrow and pain
Have lost their meaning
And are no more
Where here you danced
There you soar.

By: Dave Rensberry

My dad wrote this poem for my cousin Crystal
after her life was snatched away from her.
This is in loving memory of her.


I will run after you
Though I have stumbled,
I long to be true
Though I have turned,
You make me stand
Though I have fallen,
You teach me your ways
Though I've failed to learn

I'll let the joy fill
Deep in this thirsty well
Burning with hunger
For you to be all,
Bring light to my eyes
While my heart follows after You,
Lord let me know
Faithfulness to Your call

I will run after You,
Cause my feet not to stumble,
I long to be true,
Help me never to turn,
Your arms make me stand,
Father, keep me from falling,
I long for Your ways,
Make me willing to learn

I cry for Your Hand
To go deeper than deep
To remove every cancer
Of spirit and soul,
Purge with your Holy Fire
All within me
Till I stand as Your spotless one,
Perfect and whole

I'll let the joy fill
Deep in this thirsty well
Burning with hunger
For you to be all,
Light of my eyes,
My heart follows after You,
Lord I will go
Wherever You call

By: Dave Rensberry

Beauty opens
In this sharing sweet,
I am broken
At the mercy seat,
Love is token
As I breath
Of Inner Flowing
Than the air

By: Dave Rensberry

I soak it in
The many sounds and hearts and souls
Around me
So glad to not be missing
All this beauty
You have longed to show me
Where before Your hidden handiwork
Was taken from my sight
Now You gift my inner eye
With supernatural delight
At your world of wonder.
How can I not walk through Your door
Lord show me more
Show me more

By: Dave Rensberry

So foreign to this world are we
Who dance as dark ways spin around us
In those airs of melancholy
We walk safe as Your love surrounds us

Overwhelmed with joy and passion
All else is so out of fashion

Time slips fast as lost hearts seek
For satisfaction, as Christ weeps
To see them miss His outstretched arms
In mercy calling out He warns

The price in turning from His touch
Will later exact much too much

As longings meet with sad frustration
All is severe exclamation
Till from sorrow is born need
To capture peace, find truth indeed

As He is here to give them sight
To see He’s prayed them through the night
Within His arms He holds them still
As sad hearts weep and joy wells fill

Overwhelmed with joy and passion
All else is so out of fashion

By: Dave Rensberry

Ready words
Form pictures
In our angry minds
Born of wounds
We’d hoped
We left behind
Praying that
No damage comes
From what we say
We see Your way of mercy
As the better way

Father heal us where we stand
Spirit touch deeper than deep
As we cry
“Jesus, I abandon
all my heart for you to keep”

By: Dave Rensberry

I see truth
In sweet hearts
Seeking You,
Extended family,
A gift of goodness
Born of You
Our Father
Working love
Your hidden wonders
With unexpected joy
Our hearts cannot contain
Wholeness flowing
In healing floods restoring
Sorrow’s wells to heaven’s fountains,
Valleys of death to holy mountains,
Children walking hand in hand
On Your bridge to the Promised Land

By: Dave Rensberry


A Poem by Dex of All Together Seperate:

I ran outside
amidst the waves
of clouds
that crash
like spears into
the side of the
From that clay
blood and water flow -
from mud dreams stretch
like lilies in the valley,
Between the stench
of my pollen
and the sweet smell
of his death
stands solemn
the grace that
reconciles the two.
Like the guardian of the deep,
the light house perched
dove like
upon the hill
guiding the
leviathan from deep to shore
to swell up and
breathe that same day
the memorable aroma of

Awkward like the day old fawn,
or the week old retriever
stumbled I in this freedom.

Awkward like the
'k' in Afrika,
like the 'k' in Amerika,
like the 'k' in Deks
stumbled I in this freedom.

Awkward like the
rung too high,
like the buoy
chained in place,
like a newborn
in a hammock
stumbled I in this freedom.

Like an
out of breath stallion,
like a wind blown palm,
like a branch
in a stream
stumbled I in this freedom.

Awkward like the
salesman with nothing to sell,
like the servant with no one to serve,
like the tourist with
nowhere to tour
stumbled I in this freedom
until I heard like
thunder crackling from the sky
a stone shattering the
window of my soul.

It was as if my search,
that unclimable face,
that unpioneerable frontier,
that inescapable
came crashing
about me
with dynamite ferocity -
yet tinkling
at my feet with
the resonance of loose change,
like pennies from heaven.

Even still floating,
like a feather plucked from
the wing of an eagle-
sauntering to the
soil of my spirit -
so did my search cease
as he whispered
on the wings of
his angels,
"Cease striving,
I am

By: Dex of All Together Seperate


You can have my heart
But it isn't new
It's been used and broken
And only comes in blue
It's been down a long road
And it got dirty on the way
If I give it to you will you make it clean
And wash the pain away

You can have my heart
If you don't mind broken things
You can have my heart if you don't mind these tears
Well I heard that you make old things new
So I give these pieces all to you
If you want it you can have my heart

So beyond repair
Nothing I could do
I tried to fix it myself
But it was only worse when I got through
Then you walked right into my darkness
And you speak words so sweet
And you hold me like a child
Till my frozen tears fall at your feet

You can have my heart
If you don't mind broken things
You can have my heart if you don't mind these tears
Well I heard that you make old things new
So I give these pieces all to you
If you want it you can have my heart

Words by Julie Miller


Please don't judge me by my face
By my religion or my race
Please don't look at what I wear
Or how I look or do my hair
Please look a little deeper
Way down deep inside
And although you may not see it
I have a lot to hide
Behind the clothes the secrets lie
Behind my smile I softly cry
Please look a little deeper
And maybe you will see
The lonely little girl
That lives inside of me
Please listen carefully to her
She'll show you that she's insecure
Please try to be a friend to her
And show her that you care
Please just get to know her
And maybe you will see
That if you just look deep enough
You'll see the real me.

By: Unknown


I've never known a tenderness,
Like this before,
In my own experience.
As the day's go by,
I catch myself.
More than you'd ever think.

By: Unknown

Other's Poetry:

"It only takes one person in this world"
To say a single word that means so much
That takes the challenge to create change
That steps out to go against the grains
That stands stead fast to the Lord
When all is lost and listless
When life becomes complex
With traffic of the soul-
When all seems such a mess
It takes one to stand for you-
To rebel against the mass
And this one soul, pure and clean
Will bring many in thousands,
And bring it back to goodness
To renew the earth.

(C) Barbara Root March 2003


"God always answers in the deeps, never in the shallows of our soul."

"The tragedy of life and of the world is not that men do not know God; the tragedy is that, knowing Him, they still insist on going their own way."