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This Is For God

These are just a few prayers and words for God. If you have any I'd love to add them to my site!

Oh God, what's wrong with us? We seem to have such a hard time learning to accept ourselves as we are. And yet we turn and club anyone to death who is not exactly like us. What makes us think we are so perfect?

Oh Father, where do I go? What do I say? Where is the key to unlock this treasure chest of words?

Oh precious Father, how can such bad things happen to such good people? It seems the ones that deserve it the least, get it the most. Father, what has come of this world? So much judgment and hatred. Oh Lord I just ask that you will help me to be holy. I long to reach out to so many people because I see how much they are hurting and they do not see how much you love them. Half of them do not even know, they've never been told that you love them! Oh how I hurt for them to know. I love you Father. You are my Father, My love, My friend.

Oh how I cry for these precious children Father! If only they could keep their innocence. These poor abused children. How some people feed off of abusing them, makes me sick. Oh Father what can I do to stop this?!?

The "Lord's Prayer":

"Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
[For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.]

"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, let me sow pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."

- St. Francis of Assisi

Father, I know that you have a vision for my life. I want to catch that vision for my life, God. I trust in you for my salvation. Oh Father, I want to please you in everything I do. Every breath, every word, every thought! Father lead me to places of truth. I want to see You, touch You, hear Your voice! Father I want to be transformed by You! My soul waits for You and in Your word I put my hope. You were hurt for us Lord, and we are healed.

Why do I feel this way? I feel as if I am going nowhere. What is causing this to well up inside of me? I want to leave this place and start a new life somewhere else. School is harder than I remember it ever being. I want to just get on a plane and fly to who knows where. Just away from everyone and everything, where people don't even know my name. I can't stand being judged by strangers who don't even know me! They don't know who I really am. All they know is what they see. I just want to fly away from here going into the unknown. I want so much more. I want love, excitement, and comfort. I feel as if every day I am going through an endless cycle. But Father, as I go through these days, I begin to realize that all I really need is You. You are everything to me. You are my love, my passion, my excitement, and my comfort. You never judge or leave me. You are constantly by my side. But Father, why can't I hear You?

Father You have given me a gift that I will treasure for as long as I live. You have set me free and I am free in You. I long to see Your face. I long to have You hold me and I long to talk with You. Your love is like a light in my darkness. It shines in every morning and stays there throughout the rest of the day. How could it be? That You would die on the cross for me? Lord I thank you that you have broken every chain, every curse, off of my life and set me free by the blood of Jesus Christ.


Where I'm at:

Thursday June 12th 2003:

Well guess what people. The "Shut up and pray" thing really does work. At least it did for me. I prayed for a man in my life and I got just that. I met the man of my dreams. I couldn't be more happy. Right now I'm praying for a job and I'm believeing I'll find one soon. I just thought I'd let ya know. Prayer works!!!!!

Wednesday May 7th 2003:

Shut up and Pray:

Life is an interesting thing sometimes. Well, no, probably all the time. At least mine is anyway. God has been doing some cool things for me. I've been learning not to rely on my own strength. I've also been learning not to do things my way, but God's way. Shut up and pray is a good title for what I have to say today. Because that is exactly what we should be doing. This is it. I've decided to stop the grumbling and complaining and just pray. And you know what? It really does work. Really what does a person accomplish by feeling sorry for themselves half the time? Nothing. And that's sad. The answer in right in front of us, yet we are too blinded by our pride, ignorence, lust, stubborness and who knows what else, to see it. All through the day God has His arms held out to us, yet we are too busy with us. Too busy with us? What on earth is going on? He's the one who created us! His ways are higher, His thoughts are higher. And the whole while I'm wonderng what He's been thinking. Anyway that's all I wanted to say.


Feb 12 2003:

What's the Deal?????

Well, this Friday is the big "Valentines Day." Ohhhhh. Everyone's getting ready to be romantic and go out on dates and stuff. Well, not everyone. Not me. lol. But it's all good. Anyway, I get to stay at home and watch movies, and not feel sorry for myself. Nope, I refuse to feel sorry for myself while everyone else is out having a great cuddly, smoochy time. I'll stick with my sarcasam about the whole thing. Valentines day has always just been another day with me. I don't think I've ever gotten to experience it. But whatever, I don't care. Well, really all us people "over here" without valentines do care. We just pretend not to and can't wait untill the day is over.


September 2002:

Wow, where do I start? Life has been interesting this past year. God has been doing so much in me! How can I possibly describe this? Well, let me see..... I feel like I went from being lump of dried out old clay to a roughly formed pot. And the steps it took to get there were amazing. Don't get me wrong, being a roughly formed pot is great! It's pretty darn good if you ask me. But I'm still a work in progress. God is just beginning to smooth out the edges. And, well, lets face it, nobody's perfect. Only God. But as long as we keep striving to be the person that He wants us to be, it's all good. And believe me, God knows what's best! So it's either His way or one big life full of empty feelings and experiences. And you don't want that. So do yourself a favor and look to Him. He's the ONLY way.


Just a few thoughts:
Our walks with God seem to be like one big ongoing journey. A great journey. I've been walking for a pretty long time, and I feel as though I've only just begun. I found myself pondering this one question "Who am I?" It was like an echo that kept resounding.
So many people base their identity on what they are good at, what they love, or what others label them as. I find that most of my life, I had based my identity on what other's had told me I was. I was looking to others to tell me who I was, because I didn't know myself. Who was I really? A worshiper? A follower? A poet? A song? A young woman with too many dreams? A Nothing? No, I was a something. Because my identity was in Christ. And it didn't matter what I had, what other's told me I was, or how I even felt. Christ was my identity and knowing that alone was, and is, very important. I worshiped and I followed and dreamed. But it didn't matter who I was. As long as I was giving myself to God to continually mold and shape me.
That's one thing I've learned in my walk with God. You cannot look to people to tell you who you are. Look to God, your Father. He knows you even better than you know yourself.


Bitterness is such an ugly thing. The way it can slither it's way into our lives, our family, our friends. Grabbing a part of us and latching on. Swimming through our body like some sort of virus. Sick..... I've seen first hand what it can do to a person. The hatred and coldness it can leave behind. The hurt it causes between families and friends. It could almost be contagious. If we let it.
See, Christians have something that non-believers don't have. It is the faith and the powerful hand of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can bring all of our burdens, hurts, and needs to Him. And we are free. What a sweet freedom! But what do you do when you see the bitterness take hold of close christian friends, or family? That's what my goal is today, to talk about this exact thing.
I know the best thing to do is pray. Also realize that when the harsh words that come at you sting like knives, all you can do is pray. And know that God can change a person in an instant. He works in ways unseen. And when the people you love push you out, hurt you beyond realization, or get nasty, you must not let it get you. Sure it can get to you. But don't let it get you just as down as they are. Don't let this ugly thing latch on to your heart. Sure it'll hurt and maybe even get you really mad. But by saying nothing, giving it to God, and loving them in spite of it, you are being the better person. Ask yourself what Jesus would do. Remember that God is full of love, compassion, power, and forgiveness. Believe me! Do I ever know that one! I've had to repent countless times for my wrong doings.
And you know what He said when I asked Him why I was even worth the time? He said "Alyssa, I know your heart for Me. There is still hope for you."


Life can be pretty funny. Sometimes I think that I am one of the most clueless people. I'm like a child. Tripping all over the place. Whining like a little baby saying "I want, I want, Gimme, Gimme, me, me, me!" And then God gives me a reality check. And I wake up, grow up, and pick myself up again with the help of God's strong hand.


It's amazing how after watching a love story, we feel almost sad. Sad because of what we've just seen as love. The fakeness not becoming evident to us until sometime after. We just sit there and feel sorry for ourselves, thinking, "Why can't that be me?" When really it's not at all what we would want. It's empty in a way that is covered up with money, sex, empty feelings, and acting. What it lacks is wholeness, feeling, reality, and so much more. Yet we are blinded by the way they portray their love, their happiness, and their complete life. We see the outside of what is a 2 hour relationship in reality. And as we look at our lives in context to that, we twist them around a 2 hour movie and weigh out all the pro's and con's. We evaluate the materialistic things that throw themselves in our face. We feel bad because we think we are not good enough, not rich enough, not smart, pretty enough, or funny enough. And for what? A 2 hour fling that isn't even real? Wake up world. Take a look at yourselves! How blind are you that you look to this as a guide to better living? Open your eyes! It is not a guide to better living, it's a guide to empty living. Do you really think that the two actors on the screen love each other with a wholeness, a real love? It's an act. That's why it's called acting. It is not real life. It is not us or the people that live down the street. So take a good hard look at your lives. Tell me, do you really think that is love? If so, then I suggest you look harder. Because the love that you are seeking will never be found in anything except God. Let me save you some time. Your gonna find a boyfriend/girlfriend maybe have some good times, roll around a little, move on, move on, and move on. Until you realize that each relationship is lacking something, leaving you confused and empty. Then you'll search for something more, and I hope and pray that you will find God. I pray that you will open your eyes and see things for what they really are.

God has shown me quite a few visions these past 2 years. This is a new thing in my life. I only began to see 2 years ago and God is beginning to open my eyes more and more.


This past summer, I knew I had a long road ahead of me. I had been pretty down about it. I was feeling as though I was going to be walking it alone. But then God showed me something. I was walking down this long dirt road that I could see no end to. It had wheat fields on either side of it. And nothing to look at but these boring fields and dirt road. The air was dry and I was tired and thirsty. Then all of a sudden Jesus came up beside me with this huge smile on His face. And he started to walk in front of me, facing me. Laughing and having a blast. And he was like, "Hey!, I'm here with you, it'll be great!" And He was doing all these goofy things to make me laugh. And it was anything but boring! In fact it was then the only place I wanted to be. And my strength was renewed.


One night God gave me a vision. It was a night my friend Jeff was leading worship and I was singing and my other friend Jonathan was playing. We all stood to pray on stage and I could feel the presence of God surround us. Almost as if He was joining us in unity. Jonathan was standing beside me and we all held hands. I could still hear Jeff and everyone praying and I was in agreement with them, but God showed me something. I was looking up at something and I'm sure it was God, but I couldn't see Him. All I could see was this pure light. And God reached down His hand and put a feeling me me. It was like this little light on his fingertips and it went into me. And instantly I felt it. It was like He was telling me as I was feeling it. And I looked up at Jonathan because God was turning my head. And I'm pretty short, but in this vision he was super tall. I looked up at him and it was a feeling and God telling me that he was my brother. Not just that but a friend, yet stronger because it was in God. The feeling was strong, pure, honest, and true. And I loved him at that moment. Like I love my family and my friends. And it was pretty surprising because I hardly knew him then. But God said to me, it is what it is and it will come when I put it into place. So that was it. God gave me a brother. And as I recall, I had asked Him for the exact thing awhile before. A brother in Christ, a guy friend.


This was the same night as the last vision. I saw strength when I looked at Jonathan in the vision. I saw some sort of light coming from him, it was almost as if he was wearing some sort of invisible armor that shone with the light of God. It was like He was reflecting off of Him. It was truly beautiful.


July 14th 2002:
I see a nation, weeping children, reaching, broken before God. There is going to be a revival in Grande Prairie, a revolution. And we are the start. God longs to touch those hurting, broken children. We have strength in you Father. It is written that we "do not need to know the times or seasons for which things will happen. We will receive the power of the Holy Spirit and we will be witnesses to You, in all the world." (Acts 1:7-8)


Sunday July 28th 2002:
A little girl, me, feeling God's hands with my tiny fingers. Looking up at Him in awe, with concern. Asking Him what happened. Jesus looks at me with kind, loving eyes and tells me the story. I look up at Him with tears in my eyes, embracing Him, saying, "Jesus, I love You!" He embraces me, with tears in His eyes also and says, "I love you too Alyssa." A huge smile on His face. Then we run and laugh and play by a stream. Then we are sitting. I am resting safe in His arms. He is showing me nature. Explaining how He made the stones and how each one is different. Just like us. I am so content. And I know my life has changed. I am a different person.


I've seen countless times, my Father picking me up. Pulling me up from the dirt where I am tired, torn, and broken. And He washes me, gives me living water, and dresses me in white.